Animal name
Name, phone number and address
#1-On campus Name and phone number #2-Off campus Name and phone number

If you have any documentation you would like disability services to have, please upload it below.

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Along with this form, please have your professional submit a REQUEST FOR CERTIFYING PROFESSIONAL’S DOCUMENTATION for an EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL (ESA) as documentation of your condition. This form must completed by a licensed provider, with whom you are actively engaged with for treatment. The provider must not be employed by the University Counseling Center and cannot be a relative. The provider must be licensed in either RI or your home state. Documentation based on electronic or telephonic contact may be deemed insufficient to establish need. **Please note that letters purchased over the internet, based on limited contact between student and provider in a relationship begun for the sole purpose of obtaining ESA documentation, do not provide the information necessary to support the request for accommodation.

It is requested that this documentation be sent to The Office of Disability Services no later than 30 days prior to the Emotional Support Animal coming to campus.

Please submit the above form online and send supporting professional documentation to Student Accessibility Services no later than 30 days prior to the Emotional Support Animal coming to campus. A Certifying Professional’s Form is included here for convenience for documentation purposes but is not required. No animal is permitted on campus before it has been officially approved by the University.